November 13 – 23, 2024 | O’Fallon Illinois

Be The Light

1 in 5 adults, and 1 in 6 youth are affected by mental health conditions annually.  Less than 50% of these individuals can afford mental health treatment.  KSBH refuses to allow this statistic to consume our community. Every dollar received enables immediate intervention and therapy for a family in crisis.  Over 85% of our clients depend on your generosity for mental health services that they have been elsewhere denied.  Please help KSBH continue to provide the therapy, education and family support that not only prevents suicide, but enables healthy, happy and productive lives.

Support our mission by becoming a community partner or buying an event ticket today!

Event Ticket Sales are now open!

Thank to To Our Community Partners

Presenting Partner | $30,000

State Construction

Champion Partner | $25,000

Gold Partners | $10,000

Silver Partners | $5,000

Bronze Partners | $2,500