Grub with the Grinch

Join the Grinch for a fun brunch at the Wonderland of Lights. The brunch at this family friendly event will include eggs, bacon, sausage, bread, bagels, pastries, assorted sandwiches, salad, yogurt parfaits, donut holes, and fresh fruit.

Book Event

Form/ticket icon icon
Adult Ticket
Form/up small icon icon Form/down small icon icon
Available Tickets: 93

A ticket for one adult attendee

The "Adult Ticket" ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.
Form/ticket icon icon
Child Ticket
Form/up small icon icon Form/down small icon icon
Available Tickets: 93

A ticket for one child (12 years old and under) attendee. All children must be accompanied by at least one 18+ adult, who must purchase their own ticket as well.

The "Child Ticket" ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.
Total: 0


Nov 16 2024


10:00 am


August the Mansion
August the Mansion
680 Mansion Way, O'Fallon, Illinois
  • Adult Ticket: 65
  • Child Ticket: 35